The design department of Aksaygazproekt LLP has existed since 2001, along with the birth of the organization.
Today, Aksaygazproekt LLP has an office of the design department in Uralsk.
The design department of Aksaygazproekt LLP has been working with Karachaganak Petroleum Operating for a long time. One of the first significant projects implemented by Aksaygazproekt LLP was the development of projects in the field of design of general construction at the facilities of the Karachaganak oil and gas condensate field. Starting in 2019, Aksaygazproekt LLP expanded the scope of services provided and began work on the design of process and in-field pipelines, modernization and reconstruction of process units and well piping at the Karachaganak oil and gas condensate field.
Over the past 10 years since 2014, projects of varying complexity have been completed, most of which have been implemented at the Karachaganak oil and gas condensate field. The design uses modern design technologies and software products to improve the quality and timing of design work. The design department uses modern software products, young specialists have been trained and their further training is planned for the organization of design work using BIM modeling technology to automate the design process. All design specialists are certified by Autodesk to work with software for AutoCAD, AutoCAD Civil 3D, Lira 10.6, MicroStation, etc. The design department is equipped with modern office equipment, licensed system and application software, as well as specialized equipment. The copying and duplicating equipment fleet is equipped with modern high-speed multi-format digital color and monochrome scanning, copying and printing complexes, allowing for the prompt production of high-quality design and estimate documentation.

Engineering studies
Engineering surveys for construction allow to study the natural conditions of the area and collect data for the future project.
Engineering and geodetic surveys are a means of obtaining topographic and geodetic data for the development of working projects. They carry out the export of project data in kind during construction and help to establish or check the geometric parameters of objects during operation by means of executive survey.
Engineering-geological surveys are a set of activities aimed at studying the composition and properties of the soil before the start of construction, determining the level of groundwater in the construction area and forecasting changes in the properties of the soil layers.
The purpose of carrying out engineering and geological surveys is to obtain necessary and sufficient materials for substantiation of project preparation of construction. Engineering-geological surveys include drilling of geological wells, hydrogeological studies of the area, field and laboratory work, electrometry, stamping and sounding tests, etc.

Laboratory tests
Testing laboratory “Aksaygazproekt” LLP has been accredited in the accreditation system of the Republic of Kazakhstan to meet the requirements of GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories” since April 6, 2021.
The testing laboratory of Aksaygazproekt LLP carries out tests on the following products:
Soils, sand for construction works, crushed stone and gravel from dense rocks for construction works, concrete mixtures, heavy and fine-grained concrete, construction mortars, concrete and reinforced concrete structures and products, crushed stone-gravel-sand mixtures and crushed stone for covering and foundations of roads and airfields, mixed with asphalt concrete roads, airfield and asphalt concrete.
The laboratory has instruments for determining the physical and mechanical characteristics of building materials and products: a concrete strength meter, a concrete protective layer meter, a device for controlling reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures and vibration measurements, as well as a device for determining thermophysical and thermal soil measurements. (we do not have accreditation in the region)
Tests are conducted by laboratory assistants who have undergone training and have a certificate. All tests are conducted in accordance with regulatory and technical documentation.

Author’s and technical supervision
We monitor each stage of construction of the designed structure, starting from the development of the concept to the final commissioning of the facility, we control compliance with the requirements of the design documentation.
We carry out technical supervision of construction, identify violations and draw up an act on their elimination. Technical supervision from our company guarantees: compliance with the deadlines for work according to the estimate, cost savings, the use of high-quality materials and the performance of work at a high level.
Technical inspection
TOO “Aksaigasproekt” carries out a set of measures for technical inspection of the reliability and stability of buildings and structures, control, testing and assessment of the technical condition of objects, indicating defects, and determining the suitability and operability of building structures of buildings and structures for the possibility of further safe operation and possible reconstruction or major repairs in the future